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Flower Care

We use the freshest possible flowers in all our arrangements and bouquets – to ensure long life and maximum enjoyment from them once they arrive home with you, follow these steps in our frequently asked questions.


Common Questions About Flowers

  • What is the best way to care for a flower arrangement or flowers in a container?
    On arrival:
    • Ensure the container is filled with plenty of fresh water.
    • Avoid placing your flowers in direct sunlight or near heating sources.
    • Remember to protect your furniture by placing something under the arrangement.
    • Never let the oasis (green foam) dry out. Simply add water to the oasis daily and enjoy.
    • Avoid placing near a fruit bowl-due to Ethylene gas speeding up ripening process.
    • Remove faded flowers as they occur.
  • What is the best way to care for cut flowers?
    On arrival:
    • Unwrap your flowers, remove wet wrapping or water vials from stems.
    • Re cut the stems at an angle, this exposes a fresh part of the stem and allows the flower to absorb water. (Do this for every water change-every 2 days.)
    • Ensure all leaves are removed below the water line, otherwise they rot and foul the water.
    • Place in a clean fresh water and your choice of vase to enjoy.
    • Avoid placing your flowers in direct sunlight or near heating sources.
    • Avoid placing near a fruit bowl-due to Ethylene gas speeding up ripening process.
    • Top up or change the water regularly and remove faded flowers as they occur.
  • How do I care for my cut roses?
    • Unwrap your roses, remove wet wrapping or water vials from stems.
    • Re cut the stems at an angle, this exposes a fresh part of the stem and allows the roses to absorb water. (Do this for every water change-every 2 days.)
    • Ensure all leaves are removed below the water line, otherwise they rot and foul the water.
    • Place in a clean fresh water and your choice of vase to enjoy.
    • If individual roses wilt, place the bottom 1cm of stem in boiling water for 30 seconds, then cut off scalded portion and place in deep cold water for around 1 hour before return to vase.
    • Refresh the vase and water daily. If roses begin to wilt, re-cut the stems.
    • If you have received your roses while at the office, they can be left in the box with the water vials until you arrive home.
  • How do I care for my cut lilys?
    • Unwrap your lilys, remove wet wrapping or water vials from stems.
    • Re cut the stems at an angle, this exposes a fresh part of the stem and allows the lily to absorb water. (Do this for every water change-every 2 days.)
    • Ensure all leaves are removed below the water line, otherwise they rot and foul the water.
    • Place in a clean fresh water and your choice of vase to enjoy.
    • To prevent pollen stains, remove stamens by gently pulling them up out of the flower with a tissue.
    • Pollen stains can be brushed off or capture the pollen with cellotape & remove. If pollen gets into the fabric, treat as you would an-oil based stain.
  • How do I care for my cut tulips?
    • Unwrap your tulips, remove wet wrapping or water vials from stems.
    • Re cut the stems at an angle, this exposes a fresh part of the stem and allows the tulip to absorb water. (Do this for every water change-every 2 days.)
    • Ensure all leaves are removed below the water line, otherwise they rot and foul the water.
    • Place in a clean fresh water and your choice of vase to enjoy.
    • Tulips continue to grow after they are cut, stretching towards a light source.
    • Turn your vase occasionally to ensure an even growth of your tulips.

Common Questions About Plants

  • How do I care for my Plant?
    • When deciding on a location for the plant, consider its preferred light & heat levels. For example, plants that like high humidity (eg: maiden hair ferns) will flourish in a bathroom.
    • Position plants away from strong heat or cold draughts.
    • Water most plants from below and provide good drainage.
    • Most plants prefer to dry out a little between thorough waterings.
    • Feed plants regularly with the appropriate food.
    • Give broad glossy leaves an occasional wipe with a damp cloth.
    • Pruning plants can encourage new growth.
    • Flowering plants kept slightly pot bound will produce more flowers.
    • Check your plants regularly for signs of stress, pests or disease & treat accordingly.
    • Remove dead leaves and flowers as they occur.
  • How do I care for my Orchid?
    • Orchids enjoy bright but not direct light.
    • Don't overwater! Watering is best done from above using either a watering can or hose, or you can soak the pot in water for a minute or so.
    • Ensure the plant has good drainage.
    • Pruning - when flowers finish, cut the stem approximately 3cm from base & a new stem will shoot in the following season.
    • Feeding - use commercial orchid fertiliser, as directed.
  • How do I care for my Cyclamen?
    • Keep soil moist and do not over-water.
    • Never let your cyclamen sit in water.
    • Position for morning light and avoid draughts.
  • How do I care for my Bonsai tree?
    Water: Your bonsai should be kept outdoors in a warm semi-sheltered spot. It should be watered 3-4 times per week, with enough water to fully soak the soil. Your bonsai is grown in well-draining mix so do not worry about over watering. It has drainage holes underneath the pot so excess water will simply drain through.

    Feed: Your tree should be fed a water-soluble plant food solution every 7-10 days during spring and summer. I use Nitrosol Organic which is available at most Garden Centers, The Warehouse and some Supermarkets. It retails for less that $10 and can be used on all other house plants as well. All my bonsais are trained on Nitrosol so they are used to this source of food.

    Pruning: Depending on your size bonsai, it should be re-potted every 1-2 years. Winter is the best time to re-pot as your tree is dormant and the roots can withstand pruning as there is no sap flow during winter. Remove the tree from the pot and gently shake loose the soil around the roots. Prune approx 10% of most of the roots from the very bottom in a horizontal direction, leaving one small area of roots uncut to ensure some feeding tips are still attached. This helps your tree to recover faster and pushes growth to the tips of your branches for the next season.

    Re-pot: Your bonsai will need to be re-potted every 2-3 years. Depending on the size of your tree/root space, you may be able to prune and re-pot into the same pot, or if you are growing on your tree, you will need to re-pot into a bigger bonsai dish. These are available from the bonsai company website.

    Services: The Bonsai Company offer a re-potting service to all customers in the Waikato Region. They are happy for you to drop your tree off to them and they will prune, reshape and re-pot your tree into its existing pot for a small fee. If your tree requires a larger pot, they can recommend a pot to suit your needs. These are available from their website, they are am happy to give you a discount on your new pot if you wish me to re-cycle your old pot.

    Enjoy your bonsai!

    Contact details below.
    Renee Hastie
    The Bonsai Company - ICOE
    [email protected]

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